Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Darwin Branch) Incorporated, is an affiliate of the state body SSSAA NT Inc., who in turn are affiliated to the National body, SSAA.
The SSAA Darwin Branch Inc. has its home at the Mickett Creek Sport Shooting Complex, Knuckey Lagoon. The Mickett Creek Shooting Complex is located approximately 12 kilometres in a direct line north east of the Darwin CBD. The Complex covers an area of approximately 2 square kilometres. The Complex faces north overlooking the coastal flats (and Defence land) adjacent to Shoal Bay. The facilities are unequaled in the region and frequently host national, international and regional competitions. The complex is situated at the end of Brandt Road at Knuckey Lagoon.
The SSAA Darwin Branch is comprised of the following organisations and disciplines:
Visitors and interested persons are always welcome and casual shooters can register at the SSAA Darwin facilities (second club-house on the left after entering the complex).
Maintain and achieve a favourable environment for field and competitive target shooting in the Northern Territory.
Supporting Shooter and Firearms legislation that does not restrict or inhibit the lawful pursuits of its members. Advocating change to those laws that are deemed discriminatory and detrimental to the continuance of field and competitive target shooting.